Antares partners with five orphanages, one shelter, and Post-Orphans in the North Kazakhstan Region.

There are many orphanages in the North Kazakhstan Region. We have worked with several of them over the years and hope that one day we are able to help all of the orphanages in the region.
Currently our main focus is with the Ayirtausky Orphanage (AO), Children's Village, Poludino Orphanage, Sheptykol Orphanage, Sokolovka Orphanage, the Archangelka Shelter, and The 1on1 Resource Center Program with Post-Orphans.
Currently our main focus is with the Ayirtausky Orphanage (AO), Children's Village, Poludino Orphanage, Sheptykol Orphanage, Sokolovka Orphanage, the Archangelka Shelter, and The 1on1 Resource Center Program with Post-Orphans.